Our first responders serve our communities often at great cost to themselves and to their families.
Partner with us to bring relief.

The exceptional neurofeedback training provided by Heart Matters has long been a crucial part of healing for those who have come through our doors, including many first responders that we have had the privilege of serving.

Knowing the potential for neurofeedback to impact areas most critically affecting the wellness of first responders, Heart Matters is proud
to announce our partnership with the
Heart Matters Restoration Initiative

This project, under the fiscal sponsorship of the local non-profit New Horizons Foundation, receives donations that allow the men and women who serve our communities as firefighters, EMTs, law enforcement, and military personnel to access neurofeedback training free of cost for those in need.

Donors with a passion to see relief and healing come for those struggling with the effects of their challenging careers can give with the confidence that their support will provide the reputable, evidence-based, and life changing neurofeedback that Heart Matters is known for.

At the same time, donors to the Heart Matters Restoration Initiative receive the tax benefits and donor support services provided by the sponsoring 501(c)(3) organization, New Horizons Foundation.

We encourage you to visit the
Heart Matters Restoration Initiative website to learn more about the ways neurofeedback benefits first responders and to discover how you can join us in giving back to those who serve.