I used to be so easily "set off" or triggered by the loudness of my rambunctious boys. The crying and whining was something that I just couldn't handle - it almost made me feel a little (or a lot) like I was going crazy. It was like my brain was so overstimulated that I was not enjoying motherhood and I had challenges bonding with my boys. Despite the feeling of not "bonding," my goal was to have a safe and happy home where we can grow and process together. There was a lot of striving in this area. Not thriving... because being so triggered made it more challenging.
It's different now. I'm not saying that I am numb to rowdiness... who is, right? Maybe I'm saying that my nerves can handle it better.
I seem to have a better capacity for it. During (and shortly following) neurofeedback, I was experiencing *glimmers* of enjoying my children.... more than I had before. Since then, it has grown! We even laugh together more than ever before. It's much more fulfilling. I think that I am a healthier mom for my boys.
My husband and I run a local business. As much as I love to work with my hands, it often felt overwhelming since becoming a mother. It took so much energy to complete the tasks that used to feel so simple. Since neurofeedback, I have seen my capacity grow. The business tasks don't feel as overwhelming or exhausting.
My thoughts are more streamlined. My mind feels quieter. I know there are still some ADHD tendencies, but I am able to catch and redirect my thoughts much more easily. Also, as an artist, I am feeling my creativity return and my amazingly patient husband has noticed a huge change in me- across the board.
I could cry happy tears of GRATITUDE for this change… and I oftentimes do!”
A mom’s story of moving from dysregulation to thriving
“I used to feel an underlying low (not super lows or anything like that)... just a consistent low since entering motherhood in 2014. I am 15 months post neurofeedback and I am happy to report I do not experience that any more. Even if it's a brief moment of low-ness,
IT DOES NOT LAST. I seem to process those feelings much more easily and quickly. My brain just doesn't dwell there anymore. I feel much more regulated.
I used to have constant thoughts and worries about the safety of my children....to the point of checking on them MANY times per night EVERY SINGLE NIGHT since they were born. In turn, I hadn't experienced ONE night of solid sleep since before my children were born. I did not recognize this as anxiety or hypervigilance. I am happy to report that I have a much more balanced perspective on the safety of my boys... AND that sleepless nights are far behind me. I have gotten more sleep over the last 15 months than I have in the last 8 1/2 years of motherhood!